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Street 637 Washington st
City Dorchester
Phone 617-287-0700
Fax 617-287-9064
Grades K-12
School Colors Blue and White
Mascot Warriors

Codman Academy Charter Public School

Mission: Our mission is to provide an outstanding, transformative education to prepare students for success in college, further education and beyond. Vision: We educate the whole student: mind, body, and character. With the city and world as our classroom, we build a school community rich in rigorous academics and daily experiences of discovery. We continue to support our alumni in realizing their potential after graduation.

Thabiti Brown

Thabiti Brown

Head of School

Phone: 617-287-0700

Brendan O'Connell

Brendan O'Connell

Upper School Principal

Phone: 617-287-0700

Lenward Gatison

Lenward Gatison

Wellness Director

Phone: 617-287-0700